This is the most stressful wedding cake I ever made mainly because this is the biggest serving cake I ever made – for 300 people and the 1st double barrel cake for me!!
The theme of the wedding cake is CHINESE RED! The bride to be requested for 3 tiers cake with a pair of wedding couple in Chinese traditional costume based on the cartoon she chosen.
These are the red velvet cake with raspberry Swiss meringue buttercream filling, coated with a thick layer of premium dark chocolate ganache. In order to maximise the serving for the cake, I decided to go with double barrel cake at the middle tier (this is actually made of 2 cakes, stacked together and fondant with one piece of fondant). The design of the cake is supposed to base on the wedding cake design I did for my cousin last year
However I love my customers to have their special customise design and the kind bride to be is very nice to let me make my own decision. Thus, this is the design I came out with. The roses arrangement is inspired by Whimiscal Cakehouse.
The lace pattern on the middle tiers are hand piping.. This took me few hours and at the end of the piping my hands were totally numb!! However, I’m pretty satisfy with the result of the lace, love it!
Cluster of handmade roses surrounded the middle tier cake.
The Chinese couple figurines based on the cartoon picture from the bride
Challenging figurines especially with the headset for the couple!
Now the figurines on top of the 3 tiers wedding cake
The bride also requested 6 cupcakes with the Chinese wordings on it. As I do not have the cutters for these wordings, I used the fondant to form the words. I have to take my dad for training me up in calligraphy when I was young to be able to write these wording 
And the wedding cake with the cupcakes set
Finally after weeks of hard work, and one full day of sleepless day, the cake is ready to be delivered all ready in the box to go!! If you are the cake decorator, you should know this is the most tedious part! And this is such a heavy cake that it needs 2 person to carry it!
I’m so glad that it arrived safety to the venue! Phew!! and I am all relief after this!
The final picture of the cake. I just love the lace piping with the roses